Sunday, April 8, 2012

Reviews of Baby items! Bottles/etc for moms to be or new moms

Products i recommend for new moms/moms to be and stuff i do not recommend--

After Buying numerous bottles to try to use, Augustine seemed to like these the most.Also i love these bottles as well. Not only are they well made, but they really do help with his gas troubles because of the design of the bottle. They are easy to hold and rarely leak. They take a little more effort to wash etc compared to the Drop -in's which i first started using before i switched to these. Auggie seemed to have trouble with the drop- in bottles for some reason or another. Also tried the Dr. Browns bottle's but there was just a ridiculous amount of pieces to sterlize everytime on those bottles. Also tried Avent and they leaked everywhere. I think i paid about $12 for the 3 piece bottle set for these, and i recommend buying 2 sets if your baby eats as much as little Auggie does :)
As far as pacifier or "Binky" goes.. These are a SAVIOR! Seriously. Before Augustine was born i bought him a bunch of Gumdrop pacifier's which are super cute but he didn't seem very interested in them. Who knows he may like them in a couple months but i went out and bought these on a whim because i could tell he wanted a binky but just wasn't digging the Gumdrop one's much. I just bought another pack of these on Amazon because if he looses one of these i don't want to have to go out searching for them at the store last minute. These are made with latex nipple and are supposed to be "Just like mom", which i assume they must be since he loves them so much. Although i did not breastfeed except for 3 days in the hospital these are his favorite paci's. Highly recommend this exact style / brand pictured below. 

Out of all the body washes i bought him - oatmeal , burts bee baby wash to name a few this one is my favorite. It smells sooo good and also seems to be very moisturizing on his skin. He feels like soft peach after his bath as opposed to some of the other washes which seemed to dry his skin out a little bit. Overall this one is inexpensive and i love it ! 

My mom bought "Sleep Sheep" as a present for Auggie before he was born. We had heard good things about it in all the baby magazines and weren't sure if it would be all it was cracked up to be but we thought it was cute so she got it. Anyways it def is all it was said to be. He loves it. I love it. I get sleep and he get's sleep and you can't beat that! I know there is phone app's that basically make the same sound effects as this does it's just cuter then a phone app and don't want to wake baby in the middle of sleep with an incoming call , so this def is on my recommend list. (His favorite sound is the whale/ocean effect. his least favorite would have to be the heartbeat because that seems to wake him up more then put him to sleep)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

5 more days until the estimated arrival of our son Baby Augustine

Very excited, nervous and all of thee above! I am scheduled to be induced on Wednesday January 18. Dana wanted him to come on his birthday which is Jan 13 but i tried to tell him the baby has no track of time lol. So unless he comes sooner this will be his arrival date, although being induced it could take until the 19th so his official birthday could be Jan 18 or Jan 19. I'm huge, i can barely walk and i am VERY ready for him to arrive :) Although i must admit i am scared of the unknown part of it all, delivery and stuff. The pain. Etc. Everyone's stories are so different and every womens body handles things in a different way so really there is no way to know exactly what i'm heading into except i know the end result will be worth everything that it takes to get there. These 9 months have gone by pretty fast, this last week has felt like slow motion. Oddly enough. Dana plans to come with me to the hospital as well as my sister the morning of the induction, My mom is going to come around noon time since i have to be there so early (5:15 am wed morning) I haven't been able to sleep the past week because of anticipation and not being able to get comfortable in bed. Everyone tells me sleep will be rare to come by soon enough so i should try while i can , in effort of trying to sleep i think that actually keeps you more awake! Going to actually not try and hopefully that works to get as much sleep as possible the next few days so i can be well rested for whats ahead.
Next post will be after he is born :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Augustine's Nursery etc ;)

Painting by SU from Tine's work Cafe Tu Tu Tango ;) She made this for his room for free

Dancing monkey ;)

His dresser and all his goodies

He has ALOT of clothes !

Where he will be sleeping in my room for the first month  the stuff in it is what im taking to the hospital for him

His washclothes, bibs , etc. in buckets i attached to the wall

Sunday, December 11, 2011

it's almost time!

So excited to have him around already ;) i can't wait to hold him and love him.

Only 7 or 8 more weeks to go!

Kind of wish he could be here for Xmas but that would mean he's early so  it's better he wait  for next xmas to be his first;)

Sock monkey i got for him but i have been sleeping with it for comfort under my stomach

this will be the quilt & hat i'm bringing to take him home from hospital - i don't want to post his coming home outfit because i want that to be a surprise ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

29 weeks

most recent page of the scrapbook I'm working on

Auggie's middel name. Meaning:Orion, often referred to as The Hunter, is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world.

Our precious little one @ 29 weeks 4d. 

Anticipating the arrival of our little one, My actual due date is Jan 25th , but the doctor said give or take a week or two. I feel HUGE lately. Literally like a walking ms.potato head but i know in the end it's worth it, i want him to be healthy and have all his baby fat . Basically have everything ready for when he's born, minus a few little things here and there. We got a little co-sleeper so the first month he can sleep with us , hopefully he sleeps like a little angel, Although my mom tells me i surely didn't when i was born but one can hope :)
Until next week....

Monday, October 31, 2011

3rd trimester!

He's kicking and growing :)

Looking like a walking egg!
Painted my baby bump for Halloween

Some additions to his nursery

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fun things for the baby

Mom bought this for him today, its actually really neat.

Sleep Sheep- has the sound of the heartbeat-womb and rain

Sock Monkey collection for Auggie